From February 14th to 20th of 2016, 113 poets from 66 countries will participate to the XII Edition of the International Poetry Festival of Granada, Nicaragua
Take out your agendas and save those dates! The International Poetry Festival of Granada comes back with its XII Edition from February 14th to 20th of 2016, with always more international poets of an outstanding level. To the date, 113 poets from 66 different countries confirmed their participation.
Without any doubt, this major cultural event represents an incredible achievement for the cultural development of Nicaragua because, thanks to its fame, it manages to put the country on the cultural agenda of the contemporary world. In fact, we can say that every year, Granada is transformed for a few days into the world’s capital of poetry.
This edition, organized for the 100th anniversary of the death of Rubén Darío, will pay tribute to the Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Mejía Sánchez, creator of a new genre called Prosema (Prosaic poetry), and will commemorate Luis Cardoza y Aragón, the Guatemalan poet “the most foreigner of the Mexicans and the more Mexican of the foreigners”. Francisco de Asís Fernández, President of the festival, explained that this year is a bet for “Centro-American integration” because poetry unites people and nations.
As usual, the festival activities will be mainly centered in Granada but there will also have some poetry reading activities in the municipalities of Rivas, Nandaime, Masaya, Catarina, Niquinohomo, Diriomo, Diriá, Masatepe, San Marcos, Jinotepe, Diriamba, León and Managua.