markapaġna, episodju speċjali: nadia mifsud

Luke Galea jidħol f’diskursata mal-Poeta Lawreata Nadia Mifsud fuq Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk (Kotba Calleja, 2022) ta’ Claudia Gauci, ix-xbihat li tevoka din il-ġabra, id-djalogu li jinħoloq mal-qarrejja permezz ta’ kull titlu mistoqsija, u l-mod kif Gauci ppreżentat lill-mara. / Luke Galea dialogues with the Poet Laureate Nadia Mifsud on Claudia Gauci’s Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk (Kotba Calleja, 2022), the imagery this poetry collection evokes, the dialogues it provokes with the reader through all its titles presented as a question, and the way Gauci presents the woman

DTO – Dans tes oreilles !

DTO est une émission de radio littéraire féministe et queer lyonnaise créée en 2018 et animée par Maïté Cussey, Margot Espinasse et Marion Feugère. Le concept consiste à mettre à l’honneur un•e auteurice, qu’iel soit de théâtre, roman, poésie, BD ou toutes autres œuvres qui se prêtent à la mise en voix. Parce que oui, iels écrivent, iels ont des choses à dire et nous, nous avons bien des choses à écouter !

wiċċ imb wiċċ

F’dan l-episodju ta’ Wiċċ imb Wiċċ, Antonella Axisa titkellem ma’ Nadia Mifsud dwar ir-rumanz tagħha ‘Ir-rota daret dawra (kważi) sħiħa’ (Merlin Publishers, 2017). L-istorja hija mibnija fuq ir-rakkont ta’ omm tar-relazzjoni diffiċli ma’ bintha Abigail u t-traġedja tal-ħajja qasira tagħha.

xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?

F’dan l-episodju ta’ ‘Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?’ Antonella Axisa titkellem ma’ Nadia Mifsud dwar ‘All the light we cannot see’ ta’ Anthony Doerr kif ukoll ‘Mal-Waqgħa tal-Weraq – A Scatter of Leaves’ ta’ Gioele Galea u ‘Half Spine, Half Wild Flower – Nofs Spina, Nofs Fjur Selvaġġ’ ta’ Abigail Ardelle Zammit. Nadia Mifsud hija kittieba, poeta u traduttriċi.

one is a crowd: nadia mifsud

Literature as a European mother tongue: In our series “One is a CROWD”, we introduce you to authors from all over Europe who will be involved in the CROWD omnibus reading tour, taking place from May to July 2016, featuring 100 authors who will be travelling through 15 European countries. We asked them questions about text production, reception and mediation. In case you were wondering what a literary activist from Malta looks like, meet Nadia Mifsud!

making poetry accessible

France-based poet NADIA MIFSUD tells Stephanie Fsadni that the local poetry scene is thriving, yet getting poems published has become ‘next to impossible’. She gives tips on how poetry can become more popular among the community by being taught in a more creative way and be disseminated more widely.