kustilji u mgħażel

L-ewwel rumanz ta’ Nadia Mifsud, issa stabbilita sew fil-poeżija sew fin-narrattiva, huwa eżempju ieħor ta’ kitba minn mara li tistħarreġ id-dinja mill-esperjenza femminili, aktar milli l-ħajja tal-mara kif distinta mir-raġel jew inkella bħala estensjoni jew deklinazzjoni tiegħu. Mark Vella fl-aħħar jaqra Ir-Rota Daret Dawra (Kważi) Sħiħa.

the bobsphere: żifna f’xifer irdum

I’ve always felt that the Maltese language is a rough one. When spoken it’s has a guttural feel and no less better when written, even when using the more polite forms there still an underlying brutality. However Nadia Mifsud has proved me wrong. All the stories in Żifna f’xifer irdum ( literal translation: Dancing on a Cliff Edge) are beautifully written; this is prose which envelopes you in it’s beauty, each word, expression has it’s own special place.

this will break your heart

This is the book that broke my heart and still made me love it, the one that I am recommending whole-heartedly even though reading is guaranteed to make you sad. Why would anyone want to do that, I hear you ask. The answer is simple. Finding beauty so raw that it will touch your heart is a rare thing in and of itself. When it comes in the shape of exquisitely-crafted words and a narrative that is so human and engaging… well, then it is priceless and certainly worth any amount of sadness.